
The stal/IX on-disk installation guide


Load the machine from a bootable media, such as Ubuntu/Fedora/Nix livecd, and launch the terminal:

sudo sh

Install the tools:

test -f /usr/bin/parted || yum install parted || apt-get install parted
# gcc >= 13 can not boostrap IX right now, so we prefer clang where available
test -f /usr/bin/g++ || yum install clang lld || yum install g++ || apt-get install g++
test -f /usr/bin/git || yum install git || apt-get install git

For general instructions on disk partitioning, refer to

Prepare EXT4 on /dev/xxx using parted, mkfs.ext4, and mount it:

mkdir /mnt/ix
mount /dev/xxx /mnt/ix

Prepare some symlinks to form the future rootfs:

cd /mnt/ix

ln -s ix/realm/system/bin bin
ln -s ix/realm/system/etc etc
ln -s / usr

mkdir -p home/root var sys proc dev

Add a symlink to trick IX package manager:

ln -s /mnt/ix/ix /ix

Add a user “ix” who will own all packages in the system (note: UID 1000 is important):

useradd -ou 1000 ix

Prepare a managed dir owned by user ix, in /ix, /ix/realm, etc:

mkdir ix
chown ix ix

Prepare the ix user home owned by ix:

mkdir home/ix
chown ix home/ix

Change the user to ix and run all commands under ix user:

su ix
cd /mnt/ix

Fetch IX package manager, will be used later, from ix user before reboot and by root user after reboot:

# we do not want to change our CWD
(cd home/ix; git clone

Some quirks:

# like tmp dir, so realm symlink can be modified only by its creator/owner
# it is important who create/own system realm, because only they can operate it
# sudo chown {{username}} /ix/realm/system will help, iff one wants to transfer ownership 
mkdir -m 01777 ix/realm

And run IX package manager to populate the root fs with bootstrap tools:

cd home/ix/ix
export IX_ROOT=/ix
export IX_EXEC_KIND=local
./ix mut system set/stalix --failsafe --mingetty etc/zram/0
./ix mut root set/install
./ix mut boot set/boot/all

Now prepare a bootable kernel for your hardware. Reboot into grub and run:

> linux (hdX,gptY)/boot/kernel ro root=/dev/xxx
> boot

where X, Y - GRUB disk and partition numbers for /dev/xxx. After a successful boot, switch into tty5, there will be a root prompt.

. /etc/session

Now we have some useful utilities in PATH from /ix/realm/root.

cd /home/ix/ix
# very important step, rebuild system realm
./ix mut system

Shell will relaunch thereafter. Actually, after any modification of the system realm, runit will reload the whole supervised process tree.

cd /home/ix/ix
./ix mut $(./ix list)

Rebuild the world and add a whole new user without sudo capability

Try logging in from tty1.

What next:

Add some uniqueness into system, without this some packages refuse to install:

./ix mut system --seed="$(cat /dev/random | head -c 1000 | base64)"

setup wifi
some quirks
system configuration